To-Go Menu - Week of January 1st, 2018!
We hope your Holidays were a culinary success! We will not have a To-Go menu this week but we are posting next's week early. Please note that next week is Wednesday only!
Here is next week's menu! We have a pick-up option for you as well as FREE DELIVERY on orders $50 or more (only for this menu, Wednesday delivery only).
WEDNESDAY ONLY - pick-up Wednesday in Montgomery 4pm-6pm or a free delivery if your order is $50 or greater.
Please pre-order by Monday the 1st at 6pm:
- Stewed pork with ginger in coconut milk with rice.
- Cashmere Chicken in cardamon yogurt sauce served with grilled vegetables.
- Mixed Root Vegetable Soup(Vegetarian)
- Onion Quiche (2 sizes, serves 4 or 6) (Vegetarian)
- Quiche Lorraine (2 sizes, serves 4 or 6)
- Eggplant, Mozzarella and Basil Tart (2 sizes, serves 4 or 6) (Vegetarian)
- Leek Quiche (2 sizes, serves 4 or 6) (Vegetarian)
Don't forget we also have some organic, 100% butter Flaky dough for sale. $9/double pack
Please email to place your order.
Watch out for our "galette des rois" (French King's cake), coming SOON!
Most of our ingredients are organic.